Please always inspiring others, to be a better person, to never stop achieving, to keep going, to forgive and to enjoy the present
Rabu, 17 Oktober 2012
Kamis, 24 Mei 2012
Precious, A Movie about Child Abuse, Neglect and Child Psychology
Abuse of All Kinds Should Not be Tolerated
"Precious" based on the novel "Push" is a movie that deals with the dark side of sexual child abuse.
Movies which deal with abuse of all types; child abuse, domestic violence, rape, incest, physical and mental abuse, are usually hard to watch but they do send a powerful message to victims on how to prevent such abuse and how to remove themselves from harmful situations.
A victim of abuse will have low self esteem issues and not know how to protect themselves from their abusers, some of whom may be people who say they 'love' them. "Precious" is a movie about a teenager who is abused by her father physically and emotionally by her mother. It is a hard movie to watch but is a must see if you want to help someone who is in an abusive situation.
It was hard to watch
Precious, a movie produced by Oprah Winfrey and directed by Lee Daniels, is rare in that whilst you are watching, part of you doesn't want to keep watching, but still you are compelled by the shear power such a story exudes. This is a story of child abuse, incest, illiteracy, poverty, but above all, triumph.
We meet the main character, Claireece Precious Jones, as an overweight, pregnant teenager whose face shows how troubled she is but we soon learn she has big dreams which won't go away, these dreams keep her going. Living (if you could call it that!) in Harlem in a Section 8 apartment to abusive parents, her father molests her (she falls pregnant to him twice) and her mother physically and emotionally abuses her. The hatred is so evident in her mother's voice (played brilliantly by Mo'Nique) that others sitting in the theatre with us the day we watched it were audibly distressed not only of the words but also at how she spoke to her daughter with such animosity.
Precious is played by newcomer Gabourney Sibide, who plays with great maturity and strength, you find yourself wanting to take her away and look after her, so much is the horror she experiences every day. If it wasn't for the assistance of a caring school principal and the dowdy Ms Weiss, the empathic social case worker trying desperately to help this troubled teenager, Claireece Precious Jones would have had nowhere to turn. Ms Weiss is played by Mariah Carey, although you won't recognise her instantly, she is completely 'made-under' to look like a very plain woman. Her performance is worthy of mention as she falters in trying to help Precious but realises the odds are insurmountable, you actually end up feeling for her as well as Precious.
Bleakness, negativity and unrelenting poverty pervade this movie but we find that Precious has an indomitable spirit and from this she fantasises about a better life for her and her children (one of whom has Downs Syndrome). Her fantasies are seen as flashbacks and Precious uses the fantasies to escape the abuse.
However, she refuses to accept the negative forces that are her parents and ignores her mother's remonstrations when she finds an alternative school with the help of her Principal. Miss Rains (Paula Patton) is her caring teacher at the school and although her classmates are a bunch of misfits, there is compassion for their respective troubles, and friendships do evolve.
Precious is to receive further bad news about her health after the birth of her second child but her resolve to make a better life is not weakened. It is this hope and love which makes this movie a must see, despite the overwhelming blackness and despair throughout the movie, it will give poor people some hope, show them there is a way out, and others who have the means may be motivated to assist where they can. Go and see Precious and raise you own spirits.
the pursuit of happyness
the pursuit of happyness tells the story of a father and son overcoming all the obstacles in life and pursuing their "happyness". chris gardner (will smith) struggles to pay the rent and keep his family alive by selling bone density scanners (a device that gives a slightly better picture than an x-ray machine). he spent all of his money buying bone density scanners thinking that it would sell and make him millions. but what he didn't know is that doctors find them as unnecessary luxuries. realizing that the future holds nothing for them, his wife, linda (thandie newton) leaves him and his son cristopher (jaden smith).he loses his appartment, all of his money, he and his son even slept in a subway bathroom. chris finds an UNPAID internship with a huge company and eventually made the hell did that happen? well, you have to watch the movie to find out.
what's interesting about this movie is that jaden smith, the kid that plays the roll of christopher is actually will smith's real life son. well duh?! and yes the "happyness" part is spelled with a "Y". why thefuck is that so?again, you'll have to watch the movie..i guarantee that you'll never regret watching it. and oh, prepare a box of tissue before watching this movie cause if you didn't cry while or after watching it, i don't know what kind of heart you have there
Rabu, 23 Mei 2012
The natural approach is a method of language teaching developed by Stephen Krashen and Tracy Terrell in the late 1970s and early 1980s. It aims to foster naturalistic language acquisition in a classroom setting, and to this end it emphasises communication, and places decreased importance on conscious grammar study and explicit correction of student errors. Efforts are also made to make the learning environment as stress-free as possible. In the natural approach, language output is not forced, but allowed to emerge spontaneously after students have attended to large amounts of comprehensible language input.
The term natural , used in reference to the Direct Method, merely emphasized that the principles underlying the method were believed to conform to the principles of naturalistic language learning in young children. Similarly, the Natural Approach, as defined by Krashen and Terrell, is believed to conform to the naturalistic principles found in successful second language acquisition. Unlike the Direct Method, however, it places less emphasis on teacher monologues, direct repetition, and formal questions and answers, and less focus on accurate production of target language sentences.
In the Natural Approach there is an em¬phasis on exposure, or input, rather than practice; optimizing emotional preparedness for learning; a prolonged period of attention to what the language learners hear before they try to produce language; and a will-ingness to use written and other materials as a source of comprehensible input. The emphasis on the central role of comprehension in the Natural Approach links it to other comprehension-based approaches in language teaching.
• Theory of language
The Natural Approach "is similar to other communicative approaches being developed today" (Krashen and Terrell 1983: 17). They reject earlier methods of language teaching, such as the Audiolingual Method, which viewed grammar as the central component of language. According to Krashen and Terrell, the major problem with these methods was that they were built not around "actual theories of language acquisition, but theories of something else; for example, the structure of language" (1983: 1).
Language is viewed as a vehicle for communicating meanings and mes¬sages. Hence Krashen and Terrell state that "acquisition can take place only when people understand messages in the target language (Krashen and Terrell 1983: 19). Yet despite their avowed communicative approach to language, they view language learning, as do audiolingualists, as mastery of structures by stages. "The input hypothesis states that in order for acquirers to progress to the next stage in the acquisition of the target language, they need to understand input language that includes a structure that is part of the next stage" (Krashen and Terrell 1983: 32).
• Theory of learning
Although Terrell originally created the natural approach without relying on a particular theoretical model, his subsequent collaboration with Krashen has meant that the method is often seen as an application to language teaching of Krashen's monitor model. Krashen outlined five hypotheses in his model:
1. The acquisition-learning hypothesis. This states that there is a strict separation between conscious learning of language and subconscious acquisition of language, and that only acquisition can lead to fluent language use.
2. The monitor hypothesis. This states that language knowledge that is consciously learned can only be used to monitor output, not to generate new language. Monitoring output requires learners to be focused on the rule and to have time to apply it.
The input hypothesis. This states that language is acquired by exposure to comprehensible input at a level a little higher than that the learner can already understand. The Input Hypothesis claims to explain the relationship between what the learner is exposed to of a language (the input) and language acqui¬sition. It involves four main issues.
First, the hypothesis relates to acquisition, and not to learning.
Second, people acquire language best by understanding input that is slightly beyond their current level of competence: Clues based on the situation and the context, extra linguistic information, and knowledge of the world make comprehension possible. Third, the ability to speak fluently cannot be taught directly; rather, it "emerges" independently in time, after the acquirer has built up lin¬guistic competence by understanding input
3. The natural order hypothesis. This states that learners acquire the grammatical features of a language in a fixed order, and that this is not affected by instruction.
4. The affective filter hypothesis. This states that learners must be relaxed and open to learning in order for language to be acquired. Learners who are nervous or distressed may not learn features in the input that more relaxed learners would pick up with little effort.
Krashen sees the learner's emotional state or attitudes as an adjustable filter that freely passes, impedes, or blocks input necessary to acquisition. A low affective filter is desirable, since it impedes or blocks less of this necessary input. The hypothesis is built on research in second language acquisition, which has identified three kinds of affective or attitudinal variables related to second language acquisition.
1. Motivation. Learners with high motivation generally do better.
2. Self-confidence. Learners with self-confidence and a good self-image tend to be more successful.
3. Anxiety. Low personal anxiety and low classroom anxiety are more con¬ducive to second language acquisition.
The Affective Filter Hypothesis states that acquirers with a low affective filter seek and receive more input, interact with confidence, and are more receptive to the input they receive. Anxious acquirers have a high affective filter, which prevents acquisition from taking place. It is believed that the affective filter (e.g., fear or embarrassment) rises in early ado¬lescence, and this may account for children's apparent superiority to older acquirers of a second language. These five hypotheses have obvious implications for language teaching. In sum, these are:
1. As much comprehensible input as possible must be presented.
2. Whatever helps comprehension is important. Visual aids are useful, as is exposure to a wide range of vocabulary rather than study of syntactic structure.
3. The focus in the classroom should be on listening and reading; speaking should be allowed to "emerge."
4. In order to lower the affective filter, student work should center on mean¬ingful communication rather than on form; input should be interesting and so contribute to a relaxed classroom atmosphere.
Despite its basis in Krashen's theory, the natural approach does not adhere to the theory strictly. In particular, Terrell perceives a greater role for the conscious learning of grammar than Krashen. Krashen's monitor hypothesis contends that conscious learning has no effect on learners' ability to generate novel language, whereas Terrell is of the opinion that some conscious learning of grammar rules can be beneficial
The Natural Approach "is for beginners and is designed to help them become intermediates." It has the expectation that students will be able to function adequately in the target situation. They will understand the speaker of the target language (perhaps with requests for clarification), and will be able to convey (in a non-insulting manner) their requests and ideas. They need not know every word in a particular semantic domain, nor is it necessary that the syntax and vocabulary be flawless—but their pro¬duction does need to be understood. They should be able to make the mean¬ing clear but not necessarily be accurate in all details of grammar. (Krashen and Terrell 1983: 71) However, since the Natural Approach is offered as a general set of principles applicable to a wide variety of situations, as in Communicative Language Teaching, specific objectives depend upon learner needs and the skill (reading, writing, listening, or speaking) and level being taught. Krashen and Terrell feel it is important to communicate to learners what they can expect of a course as well as what they should not expect.
Krashen and Terrell (1983) approach course organization from two points of view. First, they list some typical goals for language courses and suggest which of these goals are the ones at which the Natural Approach aims. They list such goals under four areas:
1. Basic personal communication skills: oral (e.g., listening to announce¬ments in public places)
2. Basic personal communication skills: written (e.g., reading and writing personal letters)
3. Academic learning skills: oral (e.g., listening to a lecture)
4. Academic learning skills: written (e.g., taking notes in class)
Of these, they note that the Natural Approach is primarily "designed to develop basic communication skills - both oral and written (1983: 67). They then observe that communication goals "may be expressed in terms of situations, functions and topics" and proceed to order four pages of topics and situations "which are likely to be most useful to beginning students" (1983: 67). The functions are not specified or sug¬gested but are felt to derive naturally from the topics and situations. This approach to syllabus design would appear to derive to some extent from threshold level specifications.
The second point of view holds that "the purpose of a language course will vary according to the needs of the students and their particular interests" (Krashen and Terrell 1983: 65). The goals of a Natural Approach class are based on an assessment of student needs. We determine the situations in which they will use the target language and the sorts of topics they will have to communicate information about. In setting communication goals, we do not expect the students at the end of a particular course to have acquired a certain group of structures or forms.
From the beginning of a class taught according to the Natural Approach, emphasis is on presenting comprehensible input in the target language. Teacher talk focuses on objects in the classroom and on the content of pictures, as with the Direct Method. To minimize stress, learners are not required to say anything until they feel ready, but they are expected to respond to teacher commands and questions in other ways.
When learners are ready to begin talking in the new language, the teacher provides comprehensible language and simple response opportunities. The teacher talks slowly and distinctly, asking questions and eliciting one-word answers. There is a gradual progression from Yes/ No questions, through either-or questions, to questions that students can answer using words they have heard used by the teacher. Students are not expected to use a word actively until they have heard it many times. Charts, pictures, advertisements, and other realia serve as the focal point for questions, and when the students' competence permits, talk moves to class members. "Acquisition activities" - those that focus on meaningful communication rather than language form - are empha¬sized. Pair or group work may be employed, followed by whole-class discussion led by the teacher.
What characterizes the Natural Approach is the use of familiar tech¬niques within the framework of a method that focuses on providing comprehensible input and a classroom environment that cues compre¬hension of input, minimizes learner anxiety, and maximizes learner self-confidence.
The learners' roles change and develop during a natural approach course because there are various stages they have to go through. The first stage is the pre-production stage where the learners are not forced to respond orally and are allowed to decide their own when to start to speak. The next stage, the early-production stage, fosters short answers and the student have to respond to simple questions and to use fixed conversational patterns. In the speech-emergent stage the use of complex utterances emerges, for example in role plays or games. Another important role of the language acquirer is that of "a processor of comprehensible input [who] is challenged by input that is slightly beyond his or her current level of competence and is able to assign meaning to this input through active use of context and extralinguistic information." (Richards & Rodgers 2001: 186)
The natural approach classroom allocates a central role for teacher, giving them several important roles.
• First, the teacher provides a constant flow of comprehensible input in the target language and provides non-linguistic clues.
• Second, the teacher has to create a harmonious classroom atmosphere that fosters a low affective filter. Third, the teacher decides on the classroom activities and tasks regarding group sizes, content, contexts, and materials.
• Finally, the teacher must, "communicate clearly and compellingly to students the assumptions, organizations, and expectations of the method." (Richards & Rodgers 2001: 188) Krashen and Terrell point out the importance of explaining to learners what they can expect and what not of the language course.
The primary goal of materials in the Natural Approach is to make classroom activities as meaningful as possible, by relating classroom activities to the real world, and by fostering real communication among the learn¬ers.
Materials come from the world of realia rather than from textbooks. The primary aim of materials is to promote comprehension and com¬munication. Pictures and other visual aids are essential, because they supply the content for communication. They facilitate the acquisition of a large vocabulary within the classroom. Other recommended materials include schedules, brochures, advertisements, maps, and books at levels appropriate to the students, if a reading component is included in the course. Games, in general, are seen as useful classroom materials, since "games by their very nature, focus the student on what it is they are doing and use the language as a tool for reaching the goal rather than as a goal in itself" (Terrell 1982: 121).
The Natural Approach adopts techniques and activities freely from various method sources and can be regarded as innovative only with respect to the purposes for which they are recommended and the ways they are used. The example of pro¬cedural aspects of the Natural Approach :
1. Start with TPR [Total Physical Response] commands. At first the com¬mands are quite simple: "Stand up. Turn around. Raise your right hand."
2. Use TPR to teach names of body parts and to introduce numbers and se¬quence. "Lay your right hand on your head, put both hands on your shoulder, first touch your nose, then stand up and turn to the right three times" and so forth.
3. Introduce classroom terms and props into commands. "Pick up a pencil and put it under the book, touch a wall, go to the door and knock three times." Any item which can be brought to the class can be incorporated. "Pick up the record and place it in the tray. Take the green blanket to Larry. Pick up the soap and take it to the woman wearing the green blouse."
4. Use names of physical characteristics and clothing to identify members of the class by name. The instructor uses context and the items themselves to make the meanings of the key words clear: hair, long, short, etc. Then a student is described. "What is your name?" (selecting a student). "Class. Look at Barbara. She has long brown hair. Her hair is long and brown. Her hair is not short. It is long." (Using mime, pointing and context to ensure comprehension). "What's the name of the student with long brown hair?" (Barbara).
5. Use visuals, typically magazine pictures, to introduce new vocabulary and to continue with activities requiring only student names as response, The instructor introduces the pictures to the entire class one at a time focusing usually on one single item or activity in the picture. He may introduce one to five new words while talking about the picture. He then passes the pic¬ture to a particular student in the class. The students' task is to remember the name of the student with a particular picture.
6. Combine use of pictures with TPR. "Jim, find the picture of the little girl with her dog and give it to the woman with the pink blouse."
7. Combine observations about the pictures with commands and condition¬als. "If there is a woman in your picture, stand up. If there is something blue in your picture, touch your right shoulder."
8. Using several pictures, ask students to point to the picture being de¬scribed. Picture 1. "There are several people in this picture. One appears to be a father, the other a daughter. What are they doing? Cooking. They are cooking a hamburger." Picture 2. "There are two men in this picture. They are young. They are boxing." Picture 3 ...
In all these activities, the instructor maintains a constant flow of "com¬prehensible input," using key vocabulary items, appropriate gestures, context, repetition, and paraphrase to ensure the comprehensibility of the input.
Krashen seemed to be on the right track with each of his hypotheses. Anyone who has learned a language, and especially those who have seen the grammar-translation method in action seems to have a gut level feeling that the road to proficiency runs somewhere outside of textbooks and classrooms.
Krashen’s conclusion “It is possible that ‘no pain, no gain’ does not apply to language acquisition”. Certainly this may be true for some learners and in all likelihood it is true for more communicative methods when compared to older methods. But the majority of us have had to struggle to be able to understand and speak a language, no matter how much exposure to “comprehensible input” we have had. Second language learning is a very complex process, with many make or break factors involved and there is simply no comprehensive theory to guide teachers and students at the moment.
This does not mean, however, that teachers should be sent to their classrooms with no direction, or worse yet, back to a grammar-based or audiolingual approach. The issue of exactly what and how to tell teachers to teach is one of the most complex and sensitive issues that policy has to implement. It is only through basic research into a wide variety of areas such as the role of exposure in comprehension and production that we can begin to develop the policies to create the best practices for the classroom. The Natural Approach with its strong learning theory and easily applicable techniques is the strongest nominee for the most common method of the 21st century.
Minggu, 29 Januari 2012
Monday Blues Are Back

Bangun padi di Hari Senin rasanya berat sekali dilakukan, sepertinya, kita harus segera stop bermalas-malas sejak hari jum'at. I HATE MONDAY, hampir didengungkan setiap orang yang kita temui di hari senin, dalam perjalanan atau di tempat kerja, bahkan siswa sekolah juga melakukan hal yang sama.
Kalau mau bijak, mestinya kita bisa mengubah persepsi bahwa hari senin adalah awal segalanya. Mengapa tidak mengatakan bahwa awal segalanya adalah hari Sabtu atau Jum'at? saya menemui orang di Pasar, pada hari senin yang merupakan awal minggu tapi di tanggal terakhir bulan begini, banyak penjual di pasar yang senang, karena bisa mengeluarkan semua sisa stock yang tidak terjual kemarin dulu, karena meski barang tidak lebih berkwalitas, orang akan tetap membeli karena harga di bawah rata-rata. sebaliknya konsumen mengeluh karena maunya dengan sedikit uang dapatkan barang yang kwalitas dan kwantitasnya terpenuhi.dilema's life...must go on....
Menurut saya, agar tidak terjadi morning monday blues adalah...
mengatur jadwal pekerjaan : jadwalkan padat di hari Rabu dst, sedangkan hari Senin n Selasa justru lebih santai, karena Senin n selasa saatnya membuat planning dan report, rabu dst adalah saat action plan.
Kalau perlu Senin adalah weekend dan Sabtu adalah starting everything. Sunday is God and Family day. Tapi meski begitu, clock body tidak berubah....tetap wake up in early morning, prepare something and go....for everyday...included Sunday (prpare go to church)...yang saya alami selama ini adalah body saya sudah memiliki jam yang tidak routine, kadang jam sekian lain hari jam sekian...dan saya merasakan fatigue (kelelahan fisik) yang tidak dapat dikompromi dan sangat sepele...
Mulai sekarang, marilah kita cintai semua hari : Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday-Friday-Saturday and Sunday....everyday is is life...we must go on...
Mulai hari dengan bersyukur...prepare...count your blessing...hardwork with everyone and love every task....and say...I Love everyday
Jumat, 27 Januari 2012
Salam Maria
Salam Maria (Bahasa Inggris)
Hail Mary, full of Grace,
The Lord is with thee;
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Salam Maria (Bahasa Jawa)
Sembah bekti kawula, Dèwi Maria, kekasihing Allah.
Pangéran nunggil ing panjenengan dalem.
Sami-sami wanita Sang Dèwi pinuji piyambak,
saha pinuji ugi wohing salira Dalem, Sri Yésus.
Dèwi Maria, Ibuning Allah, kawula tiyang dosa sami nyuwun pangèstu dalem,
samangké tuwin bénjing dumugining pejah.
Salam Maria (Bahasa Latin)
Ave Maria, gratia plena,
Dominus tecum,
benedicta tu in mulieribus,
et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Jesus.
Sancta Maria, Mater Dei,
ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc, et in hora mortis nostrae.
Hail Mary, full of Grace,
The Lord is with thee;
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Salam Maria (Bahasa Jawa)
Sembah bekti kawula, Dèwi Maria, kekasihing Allah.
Pangéran nunggil ing panjenengan dalem.
Sami-sami wanita Sang Dèwi pinuji piyambak,
saha pinuji ugi wohing salira Dalem, Sri Yésus.
Dèwi Maria, Ibuning Allah, kawula tiyang dosa sami nyuwun pangèstu dalem,
samangké tuwin bénjing dumugining pejah.
Salam Maria (Bahasa Latin)
Ave Maria, gratia plena,
Dominus tecum,
benedicta tu in mulieribus,
et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Jesus.
Sancta Maria, Mater Dei,
ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc, et in hora mortis nostrae.
Sembahyang Tasbèh
Sembahyang Tasbèh
Konjuk ing Asma Dalem Hyang Rama, saha Hyang Putra, tuwin Hyang Roh Suci. Amin.
Kawula Pitados
Kawula pitados ing Allah Rama Sang Mahakuwasa ingkang nitahaken bumi-langit, saha ing Gusti Yésus Kristus Putra Dalem ontang-anting Pangéran kawula, ingkang miyos saking Ibu Kenya Maria, kagarba déning kuwasa Dalem Hyang Roh Suci, ingkang nandang sangsara nalika jamanipun Ponsius Pilatus, saha kapenthang séda sarta kasarèkaken, tedhak dhateng papan pangentosan, tigang dintenipun wungu saking séda, mékrad dhateng Swarga, pinarak ing satengen Dalem Allah Rama Sang Mahakuwasa, saking ngriku badhé rawuh ngadili para tiyang gesang utawi pejah. Kawula pitados ing Hyang Roh Suci lan panunggiling para suci, pangapuntening dosa, tangining badan, saha gesang langgeng. Amin.
Mugi Linuhurna
Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama, saha Hyang Putra, tuwin Hyang Roh Suci, kados ing mula-buka, sapunika, sarta ing salami-laminipun. Amin.
Pinujia Asma Dalem Sri Yésus, Ibu Maria, tuwin Santo Yusuf, sapunika sarta langgeng. Amin.
Rama Kawula
Sembah Bekti Katur Ing Putra Putri Dalem Sang Hyang Rama
Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria...
Sembah Bekti Katur Ing Ibu Dalem Sang Hyang Putra
Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria...
Sembah Bekti Katur Ing Pramèswari Dalem Sang Hyang Roh Suci
Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria...
Mugi Linuhurna ...
Pinujia ...
1. Malaékat Gabrièl Nglantaraké Dhawuh Marang Ibu Maria
Waosan InjilNanging Malaékat ngandika,"Sampun ajrih Maria, panjenengan sampun manggih sih ing ngarsaning Allah. Lha punika panjenengan badhé anggarbini sarta mbabar putra kakung ingkang kedah panjenengan paringi asma Yésus." (Lukas 1:30-31)
† Rama kawula ing Swarga ...
† Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria ... (10x)
† Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama ...
† Pinujia Asma Dalem ...
2. Ibu Maria Tuwi Santa Elisabét
Waosan InjilLan sakala bareng Elisabèt ngrungu Dèwi Maria uluk salam, jabang bayi ing guwa-garba nglumba lan Elisabèt dhéwé kapenuhan ing Hyang Roh Suci banjur nguwuh kanthi sora sarta munjuk,"Sami-sami wanita panjenengan tuhu pinuji lan pinuji ugi wohing guwa-garba panjenengan." (Lukas 1:41-42)
† Rama kawula ing Swarga ...
† Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria ... (10x)
† Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama ...
† Pinujia Asma Dalem ...
3. Sang Kristus Miyos Ing Bètlehèm
Waosan InjilLan mbeneri ana ing kana mau Maria wanciné mbabar. Panjenengané mbabar putra kakung pambajeng kang nuliginedhong ing gombal lan kasèlèhaké ana ing pamakanan awit ing panginepan wis ora oman papan. (Lukas 2:6-7)
† Rama kawula ing Swarga ...
† Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria ... (10x)
† Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama ...
† Pinujia Asma Dalem ...
4. Sang Kristus Dicaosaké Ana Ing Padaleman Suci
Waosan InjilLan Siméon nambut Sang Timur binopong sarwa memuji Allah, unjuké :"Ing samangké pun abdi kalilana mundur kanthi tentrem dhuh Pangéran, manut sabda Dalem, awit mripat kawula sampun nyipati pangentasan Dalem." (Lukas 2:28-30)
† Rama kawula ing Swarga ...
† Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria ... (10x)
† Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama ...
† Pinujia Asma Dalem ...
5. Sang Kristus Kapanggih Ana Ing Padaleman Suci
Waosan InjilIng telung dinané ketemu ana ing padaleman suci, lenggah ing antarané para guru, mirengaké sarta tetakèn. Kabèh kang ngrungu padha gumun marang landheping panggrahita lan wangsulané. (Lukas 2:46-47)
† Rama kawula ing Swarga ...
† Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria ... (10x)
† Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama ...
† Pinujia Asma Dalem ...
1. Gusti Yésus Dibabtis Ana Ing Bengawan Yordhan
Waosan InjilLan dhèk samana Gusti Yésus rawuh saka Nasarèt ing tanah Galiléa, sarta dibabtis Yoanes ana ing Bengawan Yordhan. Lan sanalika bareng mentas saka ing banyu, banjur pirsa ing langit sigar, lan Hyang Roh Suci pindha dara tumurun, lan nedhaki Panjenengané. Banjur ana swara dumeling saka ing langit,"Kowé iku PutraKu kinasih. Kowé kang gawé renaKu." (Markus 1:9-11)
† Rama kawula ing Swarga ...
† Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria ... (10x)
† Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama ...
† Pinujia Asma Dalem ...
2. Gusti Yésus Paring Pratéla Ana Pangantènan Ing Kana
Waosan InjilIbu Dalem banjur ngandikamarang para abdi,"Kabèh kang didhawuhaké tindakna!" Ing kana ana genthong watu enem, dipasang kanggo wisuh miturut padatan cara Yahudi. Siji-sijiné bisa amot loro utawa telung metreta. Gusti Yésus banjur dhawuh,"Genthong iku kebakana banyu." Genthong padha diisèni nganti kebak mancep. Nuli Gusti Yésus dhawuh,"Saiki cidhukana lan caosna ,marang sing ngasta pramugari." Iya banjur dicaosaké. (Yoanes 2:5-8)
† Rama kawula ing Swarga ...
† Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria ... (10x)
† Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama ...
† Pinujia Asma Dalem ...
3. Gusti Yésus Wiwit Mucal Lan Dhawuh Padha Martobat
Waosan InjilBakda Yoanes dicekel, Gusti Yésus banjur tindak menyang Galiléa, martakaké kabar kabungahan kang tumurun saka Allah. Pangandikané,"Wus tekan titi-mangsané, kratoning Allah wus cepak. Padha matobata lan ngandela marang kabar kabungahan." (Markus 1:14-15)
† Rama kawula ing Swarga ...
† Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria ... (10x)
† Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama ...
† Pinujia Asma Dalem ...
4. Gusti Yésus Kamulyakaké Ana Ing Gunung Tabor
Waosan InjilLan let enem dina Gusti Yésus ngathi Pétrus, Yakobus, lan Yoanes diajak minggah ing gunung dhuwur, miyambak. Lan Gusti santun warni anaing ngarepé. Agemané dadi sumorot putih memplak. Ana ing donya ora ana wong bisa musoni sing mengkono. Nabi Elias lan Nabi Musa padha ngatingal, lan ngendikan karo Gusti Yésus. (Markus 9:2-4)
† Rama kawula ing Swarga ...
† Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria ... (10x)
† Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama ...
† Pinujia Asma Dalem ...
5. Gusti Yésus Yasa Sakramèn Ekaristi
Waosan InjilNuli Gusti mundhut roti, munjuk sembah nuwun, roti dicuwil lan diparingaké sarwa ngandika,"Iki Sliraku, kang bakal kaulungaké nglabuhi kowé. Iki tindakna minangka pangéling-éling marang Aku. Semono uga Gusti mundhut tuwung, sawisé dhahar, sarwa ngandhika,"Iki tuwung Prajanjian Anyar ana ing Rahku, kang diutahaké nglabuhi kowé. (Lukas 22:19-20)
† Rama kawula ing Swarga ...
† Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria ... (10x)
† Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama ...
† Pinujia Asma Dalem ...
1. Gusti Yésus Sungkawa Ana Ing Taman Jaétun
Waosan Injil"Dhuh Rama, manawi dados karsa Dalem mugi tuwung punika kasingkirna saking kawula, nanging sanès kajeng kawula, karsa Dalem kalampahana." (Lukas 22:42)
† Rama kawula ing Swarga ...
† Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria ... (10x)
† Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama ...
† Pinujia Asma Dalem ...
2. Gusti Yésus Disapu
Waosan InjilWong kang padha njaga Gusti, moyoki Panjenengané lan ngantemi. Gusti dikrukubi lan diantemi wadana Dalem sarta bola-bali ditakoni, celathuné,"Wis wacanen, sapa sing ngantemi kowé iki. Lan isih akèh manèh pitembungané marang Gusti wujud cecamah. (Lukas 22:63-65)
† Rama kawula ing Swarga ...
† Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria ... (10x)
† Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama ...
† Pinujia Asma Dalem ...
3. Gusti Yésus Diagemi Makutha Eri
Waosan InjilLan para prajurit ngenam makutha eri, dietrapaké ing mustaka Dalem. Nuli Panjenengané diagemi sandhangan abang jingga, banjur pada sowan matur,"Pangabekti Ratuning tiyang Yahudi" lan Gusti diantemi." (Yoanes 19:2-3)
† Rama kawula ing Swarga ...
† Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria ... (10x)
† Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama ...
† Pinujia Asma Dalem ...
4. Gusti Yésus Manggul Pamenthangan
Waosan InjilGusti Yésus ditampilan digawa lunga. Gusti manggul salib Dalem piyambak tindak menyang papan kang diarani Kalpari, tembung Hibrani Golgota. Ana ing kana Gusti disalib lan bebarengan karo Panjenengané ana wong loro kang disalib ngiwa-nengen, déné Gusti Yésus ana ing tengah." (Yoanes 19:17-18)
† Rama kawula ing Swarga ...
† Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria ... (10x)
† Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama ...
† Pinujia Asma Dalem ...
5. Gusti Yésus Séda Ana Ing Pamenthangan
Waosan InjilKanthi nguwuh swanten sora, Gusti Yésus ngendika,"Dhuh Rama, kawula masrahaken sukma kawula ing asta Dalem, lan ngendika mangkono iku, Gusti Yésus séda. Bareng penatus weruh lelakon mau, mulyakaké Allah, sarta celathu,"Mula nyata Wong iki ora salah." (Lukas 23:46-47)
† Rama kawula ing Swarga ...
† Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria ... (10x)
† Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama ...
† Pinujia Asma Dalem ...
1. Gusti Yésus Wungu Saka Séda
Waosan InjilWis ora ana ing kéné, wis wungu. Élinga marang pangandikané dhék ana ing Galiléya, sing mangkéné uniné : "Wus Pinasthi Putraning Manungsa kudu diulungaké marang tanganing wong dosa, sarta disalib lan ing telung dinané bakal wungu saka séda." (Lukas 24:6-7)
† Rama kawula ing Swarga ...
† Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria ... (10x)
† Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama ...
† Pinujia Asma Dalem ...
2. Gusti Mékrad Menyang Swarga
Waosan Injil"Nuli para murid padha diajak nganti tekan Bétania, lan ngumbulaké asta. Gusti maringi berkah lan bareng karo anggoné paring berkah Gusti nilar para rasul, lan kasengkakaké menyang swarga." (Lukas 24:50-51)
† Rama kawula ing Swarga ...
† Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria ... (10x)
† Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama ...
† Pinujia Asma Dalem ...
3. Hyang Roh Suci Tedhak
Waosan Injil"Kabèh padha kapenuhan ing Hyang Roh Suci, sarta banjur padha guneman nganggo basa warna-warni, mojar manut sakaparengé Hyang Roh Suci." (Kisah Para Rasul 2:4)
† Rama kawula ing Swarga ...
† Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria ... (10x)
† Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama ...
† Pinujia Asma Dalem ...
4. Ibu Maria Kapundhut Menyang Swarga
Waosan Injil"Nanging kabèh iku ana urut-urutane, sing dhisik dhéwé Sang Kristus, kang jumeneng panunggul, banjur liya-liyané kang dadi kagungan Dalem Sang Kristus, yèn mbésuk rawuh." (1 Korintus 15:23)
† Rama kawula ing Swarga ...
† Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria ... (10x)
† Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama ...
† Pinujia Asma Dalem ...
5. Ibu Maria Tampi Makutha Ana Ing Swarga
Waosan Injil"Ana pratandha katon ing langit, wanodya asingep surya lan rembulan, ana ing sangandhaping pada déné mustakané jinamang lintang rolas." (Wahyu 12:1)
† Rama kawula ing Swarga ...
† Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria ... (10x)
† Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama ...
† Pinujia Asma Dalem ...
Konjuk ing Asma Dalem Hyang Rama, saha Hyang Putra, tuwin Hyang Roh Suci. Amin.
Kawula Pitados
Kawula pitados ing Allah Rama Sang Mahakuwasa ingkang nitahaken bumi-langit, saha ing Gusti Yésus Kristus Putra Dalem ontang-anting Pangéran kawula, ingkang miyos saking Ibu Kenya Maria, kagarba déning kuwasa Dalem Hyang Roh Suci, ingkang nandang sangsara nalika jamanipun Ponsius Pilatus, saha kapenthang séda sarta kasarèkaken, tedhak dhateng papan pangentosan, tigang dintenipun wungu saking séda, mékrad dhateng Swarga, pinarak ing satengen Dalem Allah Rama Sang Mahakuwasa, saking ngriku badhé rawuh ngadili para tiyang gesang utawi pejah. Kawula pitados ing Hyang Roh Suci lan panunggiling para suci, pangapuntening dosa, tangining badan, saha gesang langgeng. Amin.
Mugi Linuhurna
Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama, saha Hyang Putra, tuwin Hyang Roh Suci, kados ing mula-buka, sapunika, sarta ing salami-laminipun. Amin.
Pinujia Asma Dalem Sri Yésus, Ibu Maria, tuwin Santo Yusuf, sapunika sarta langgeng. Amin.
Rama Kawula
Sembah Bekti Katur Ing Putra Putri Dalem Sang Hyang Rama
Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria...
Sembah Bekti Katur Ing Ibu Dalem Sang Hyang Putra
Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria...
Sembah Bekti Katur Ing Pramèswari Dalem Sang Hyang Roh Suci
Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria...
Mugi Linuhurna ...
Pinujia ...
1. Malaékat Gabrièl Nglantaraké Dhawuh Marang Ibu Maria
Waosan InjilNanging Malaékat ngandika,"Sampun ajrih Maria, panjenengan sampun manggih sih ing ngarsaning Allah. Lha punika panjenengan badhé anggarbini sarta mbabar putra kakung ingkang kedah panjenengan paringi asma Yésus." (Lukas 1:30-31)
† Rama kawula ing Swarga ...
† Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria ... (10x)
† Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama ...
† Pinujia Asma Dalem ...
2. Ibu Maria Tuwi Santa Elisabét
Waosan InjilLan sakala bareng Elisabèt ngrungu Dèwi Maria uluk salam, jabang bayi ing guwa-garba nglumba lan Elisabèt dhéwé kapenuhan ing Hyang Roh Suci banjur nguwuh kanthi sora sarta munjuk,"Sami-sami wanita panjenengan tuhu pinuji lan pinuji ugi wohing guwa-garba panjenengan." (Lukas 1:41-42)
† Rama kawula ing Swarga ...
† Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria ... (10x)
† Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama ...
† Pinujia Asma Dalem ...
3. Sang Kristus Miyos Ing Bètlehèm
Waosan InjilLan mbeneri ana ing kana mau Maria wanciné mbabar. Panjenengané mbabar putra kakung pambajeng kang nuliginedhong ing gombal lan kasèlèhaké ana ing pamakanan awit ing panginepan wis ora oman papan. (Lukas 2:6-7)
† Rama kawula ing Swarga ...
† Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria ... (10x)
† Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama ...
† Pinujia Asma Dalem ...
4. Sang Kristus Dicaosaké Ana Ing Padaleman Suci
Waosan InjilLan Siméon nambut Sang Timur binopong sarwa memuji Allah, unjuké :"Ing samangké pun abdi kalilana mundur kanthi tentrem dhuh Pangéran, manut sabda Dalem, awit mripat kawula sampun nyipati pangentasan Dalem." (Lukas 2:28-30)
† Rama kawula ing Swarga ...
† Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria ... (10x)
† Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama ...
† Pinujia Asma Dalem ...
5. Sang Kristus Kapanggih Ana Ing Padaleman Suci
Waosan InjilIng telung dinané ketemu ana ing padaleman suci, lenggah ing antarané para guru, mirengaké sarta tetakèn. Kabèh kang ngrungu padha gumun marang landheping panggrahita lan wangsulané. (Lukas 2:46-47)
† Rama kawula ing Swarga ...
† Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria ... (10x)
† Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama ...
† Pinujia Asma Dalem ...
1. Gusti Yésus Dibabtis Ana Ing Bengawan Yordhan
Waosan InjilLan dhèk samana Gusti Yésus rawuh saka Nasarèt ing tanah Galiléa, sarta dibabtis Yoanes ana ing Bengawan Yordhan. Lan sanalika bareng mentas saka ing banyu, banjur pirsa ing langit sigar, lan Hyang Roh Suci pindha dara tumurun, lan nedhaki Panjenengané. Banjur ana swara dumeling saka ing langit,"Kowé iku PutraKu kinasih. Kowé kang gawé renaKu." (Markus 1:9-11)
† Rama kawula ing Swarga ...
† Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria ... (10x)
† Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama ...
† Pinujia Asma Dalem ...
2. Gusti Yésus Paring Pratéla Ana Pangantènan Ing Kana
Waosan InjilIbu Dalem banjur ngandikamarang para abdi,"Kabèh kang didhawuhaké tindakna!" Ing kana ana genthong watu enem, dipasang kanggo wisuh miturut padatan cara Yahudi. Siji-sijiné bisa amot loro utawa telung metreta. Gusti Yésus banjur dhawuh,"Genthong iku kebakana banyu." Genthong padha diisèni nganti kebak mancep. Nuli Gusti Yésus dhawuh,"Saiki cidhukana lan caosna ,marang sing ngasta pramugari." Iya banjur dicaosaké. (Yoanes 2:5-8)
† Rama kawula ing Swarga ...
† Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria ... (10x)
† Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama ...
† Pinujia Asma Dalem ...
3. Gusti Yésus Wiwit Mucal Lan Dhawuh Padha Martobat
Waosan InjilBakda Yoanes dicekel, Gusti Yésus banjur tindak menyang Galiléa, martakaké kabar kabungahan kang tumurun saka Allah. Pangandikané,"Wus tekan titi-mangsané, kratoning Allah wus cepak. Padha matobata lan ngandela marang kabar kabungahan." (Markus 1:14-15)
† Rama kawula ing Swarga ...
† Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria ... (10x)
† Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama ...
† Pinujia Asma Dalem ...
4. Gusti Yésus Kamulyakaké Ana Ing Gunung Tabor
Waosan InjilLan let enem dina Gusti Yésus ngathi Pétrus, Yakobus, lan Yoanes diajak minggah ing gunung dhuwur, miyambak. Lan Gusti santun warni anaing ngarepé. Agemané dadi sumorot putih memplak. Ana ing donya ora ana wong bisa musoni sing mengkono. Nabi Elias lan Nabi Musa padha ngatingal, lan ngendikan karo Gusti Yésus. (Markus 9:2-4)
† Rama kawula ing Swarga ...
† Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria ... (10x)
† Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama ...
† Pinujia Asma Dalem ...
5. Gusti Yésus Yasa Sakramèn Ekaristi
Waosan InjilNuli Gusti mundhut roti, munjuk sembah nuwun, roti dicuwil lan diparingaké sarwa ngandika,"Iki Sliraku, kang bakal kaulungaké nglabuhi kowé. Iki tindakna minangka pangéling-éling marang Aku. Semono uga Gusti mundhut tuwung, sawisé dhahar, sarwa ngandhika,"Iki tuwung Prajanjian Anyar ana ing Rahku, kang diutahaké nglabuhi kowé. (Lukas 22:19-20)
† Rama kawula ing Swarga ...
† Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria ... (10x)
† Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama ...
† Pinujia Asma Dalem ...
1. Gusti Yésus Sungkawa Ana Ing Taman Jaétun
Waosan Injil"Dhuh Rama, manawi dados karsa Dalem mugi tuwung punika kasingkirna saking kawula, nanging sanès kajeng kawula, karsa Dalem kalampahana." (Lukas 22:42)
† Rama kawula ing Swarga ...
† Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria ... (10x)
† Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama ...
† Pinujia Asma Dalem ...
2. Gusti Yésus Disapu
Waosan InjilWong kang padha njaga Gusti, moyoki Panjenengané lan ngantemi. Gusti dikrukubi lan diantemi wadana Dalem sarta bola-bali ditakoni, celathuné,"Wis wacanen, sapa sing ngantemi kowé iki. Lan isih akèh manèh pitembungané marang Gusti wujud cecamah. (Lukas 22:63-65)
† Rama kawula ing Swarga ...
† Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria ... (10x)
† Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama ...
† Pinujia Asma Dalem ...
3. Gusti Yésus Diagemi Makutha Eri
Waosan InjilLan para prajurit ngenam makutha eri, dietrapaké ing mustaka Dalem. Nuli Panjenengané diagemi sandhangan abang jingga, banjur pada sowan matur,"Pangabekti Ratuning tiyang Yahudi" lan Gusti diantemi." (Yoanes 19:2-3)
† Rama kawula ing Swarga ...
† Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria ... (10x)
† Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama ...
† Pinujia Asma Dalem ...
4. Gusti Yésus Manggul Pamenthangan
Waosan InjilGusti Yésus ditampilan digawa lunga. Gusti manggul salib Dalem piyambak tindak menyang papan kang diarani Kalpari, tembung Hibrani Golgota. Ana ing kana Gusti disalib lan bebarengan karo Panjenengané ana wong loro kang disalib ngiwa-nengen, déné Gusti Yésus ana ing tengah." (Yoanes 19:17-18)
† Rama kawula ing Swarga ...
† Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria ... (10x)
† Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama ...
† Pinujia Asma Dalem ...
5. Gusti Yésus Séda Ana Ing Pamenthangan
Waosan InjilKanthi nguwuh swanten sora, Gusti Yésus ngendika,"Dhuh Rama, kawula masrahaken sukma kawula ing asta Dalem, lan ngendika mangkono iku, Gusti Yésus séda. Bareng penatus weruh lelakon mau, mulyakaké Allah, sarta celathu,"Mula nyata Wong iki ora salah." (Lukas 23:46-47)
† Rama kawula ing Swarga ...
† Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria ... (10x)
† Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama ...
† Pinujia Asma Dalem ...
1. Gusti Yésus Wungu Saka Séda
Waosan InjilWis ora ana ing kéné, wis wungu. Élinga marang pangandikané dhék ana ing Galiléya, sing mangkéné uniné : "Wus Pinasthi Putraning Manungsa kudu diulungaké marang tanganing wong dosa, sarta disalib lan ing telung dinané bakal wungu saka séda." (Lukas 24:6-7)
† Rama kawula ing Swarga ...
† Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria ... (10x)
† Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama ...
† Pinujia Asma Dalem ...
2. Gusti Mékrad Menyang Swarga
Waosan Injil"Nuli para murid padha diajak nganti tekan Bétania, lan ngumbulaké asta. Gusti maringi berkah lan bareng karo anggoné paring berkah Gusti nilar para rasul, lan kasengkakaké menyang swarga." (Lukas 24:50-51)
† Rama kawula ing Swarga ...
† Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria ... (10x)
† Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama ...
† Pinujia Asma Dalem ...
3. Hyang Roh Suci Tedhak
Waosan Injil"Kabèh padha kapenuhan ing Hyang Roh Suci, sarta banjur padha guneman nganggo basa warna-warni, mojar manut sakaparengé Hyang Roh Suci." (Kisah Para Rasul 2:4)
† Rama kawula ing Swarga ...
† Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria ... (10x)
† Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama ...
† Pinujia Asma Dalem ...
4. Ibu Maria Kapundhut Menyang Swarga
Waosan Injil"Nanging kabèh iku ana urut-urutane, sing dhisik dhéwé Sang Kristus, kang jumeneng panunggul, banjur liya-liyané kang dadi kagungan Dalem Sang Kristus, yèn mbésuk rawuh." (1 Korintus 15:23)
† Rama kawula ing Swarga ...
† Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria ... (10x)
† Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama ...
† Pinujia Asma Dalem ...
5. Ibu Maria Tampi Makutha Ana Ing Swarga
Waosan Injil"Ana pratandha katon ing langit, wanodya asingep surya lan rembulan, ana ing sangandhaping pada déné mustakané jinamang lintang rolas." (Wahyu 12:1)
† Rama kawula ing Swarga ...
† Sembah bekti kawula Dèwi Maria ... (10x)
† Mugi linuhurna Hyang Rama ...
† Pinujia Asma Dalem ...
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